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Adopting Endoscopic Radial Artery Harvesting

Adopting Endoscopic Radial Artery Harvesting

Dr. Igor Zivkovic

Dr. Igor Zivkovic is a Cardiac Surgeon and clinical teaching assistant in the CV surgery department at the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Dedinje in Belgrade, Serbia. At this high-volume center, more than 2,500 open heart procedures and 150 EVH/20 ERAH procedures are performed every year. Dr. Zivkovic joined the EVH team at Dedinje about two years ago and became a clinical proctor for Terumo in 2021. Since then, he has trained a number of harvesters on the endoscopic vessel harvesting technique.

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EVH Training Session 3: Endoscopic Radial Artery Harvesting: When, why and how?

Learn technical aspects and best practices for radial artery harvesting vs. endoscopic saphenous vein in CABG procedures from experienced harvesters.