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Adopting EVH as a routine procedure

Adopting EVH as a Routine procedure

Chris Darst

Chris Darst received his Bachelor’s Science in Exercise Science from the University of Nebraska, United States, followed by his Master’s Degree from the Union College PA Program in Lincoln, Nebraska, United States. He has been a practicing PA in Cardiothoracic Surgery for over 10 years, and is currently at CHI - Nebraska Heart Hospital in Lincoln and regularly teaches EVH techniques to harvesters along with serving as a guest lecturer and preceptor to PA students wishing to complete a Cardiothoracic elective.

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EVH Training Session 1: Introducing EVH into your OR: Pre-op and Intra-op Preparation Webinar

Learn about the basics of EVH, important pre- and intra-OP considerations, such as OR set-up, patient selection, preparation and positioning, vein mapping and skin incision.