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Pediatric Perfusion Products

Information provided on this website is not intended to make claims that the products are safe and effective for any use other than those explicitly described in the Instructions for Use. Clinicians should refer to the Instructions for Use or Owner’s Manuals for complete information on the intended use of any product mentioned in this website.

STUDY: Children's Hospital Studies New Oxygenator with Integrated Arterial Filter
Joseph Deptula, CCP, Children's Hospital, found that the CAPIOX FX05 Oxygenator significantly reduced CPB prime volumes and surface area while reducing blood donor exposure; all without compromising patient safety.

ABSTRACT: Non-Pharmacologic Therapeutic Strategies for Reducing Complications of Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Filtration 2005; 1(2):95-106. Gunaydin S, et al.
This study of 225 patients undergoing CPB concludes that the use of circuits with leukocyte filtration and Xcoating provides clinically significant benefits for high risk patients.